On Feb 7, 11:33am, Vicky Deur wrote:
} Subject: Ferris Hockey
} Here is the scoop on Ferris Hockey from Ferris.
} I think the administration underestimated the power of the people.  We
} won't quite until we have won.
}-- End of excerpt from Vicky Deur
I HONESTLY didn't know Ferris was on the list!!!  I'm sad to see the
state of things there in a state where hockey DOES have a good foothold.
We can only hope that the administration does see the 'light' . . .
Good luck . . .
Phil Ritzenthaler  The Advanced Computing Center for the Arts & Design (ACCAD)
Systems Manager    The Ohio State University
                   UUCP: ...!{pyramid,killer}!cgrg.ohio-state.edu!phil
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