> From: Patrick E Fleming <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: re: physical game
> > I thought there was an automatic game suspension for fighting in
> > college hockey.  That also meant that you sat out the following game.
> Actually, I think the game suspension is more general than that.  *Any* game
> disqualification carries a game suspension of some sort.  The second DQ in a
> season carries a three game suspension and the third DQ carries a suspension
> for the remainder of the season.
>      - Pat
PLUS, of course, any additional sanctions imposed by the coach!
we had a player get a major & disqualification for what I felt was
being there and being pummeled and tackled (supported by the player
and corroborated by the corresponding player from the opposite team)
on friday who not only sat out saturday, but also was invited to not
travel to next weekend's series.
On one hand, I applaud a coach who adds additional sanctions, but on
the other hand, it ought to be on a case by case basis.
charlie shub  [log in to unmask]  -or-  cdash@colospgs (BITNET)
  or even         (719) 593-3492