From:	COMICS::RAND         "Rand P Hall"  4-FEB-1992 14:58:38.60
Subj:	Had problems, please resend to [log in to unmask]
One I remember from last year when Merrimack beat Providence at home.
Agostino Casale was at the center ice red line.  It was time for a line change
so Casale decided he would just dump the puck into the zone.  No problem, right?
Wrong!!!!  Well Casale shot the puck.  A Providence defender as right on Casale,
so he couldn't skate in or anything.  I don't recall if the puck hit the PC
defenseman or not.  I suspect not.  Anyway, goaltender Brad Mullahy (sp?)
(* who got his revenge the other night with a shutout of the Warriors *) came
out of the net to stop the puck in the corner.  I suspect the puck hit a bad
spot in the ice.  To make this overblown story short, you should have seen the
dive Mullahy tried to save the puck.  Greg Louganis would have been proud! ;-)
The puck went in the net, and that was the end of Mullahy's night.  He pouted
for a little while on the bench.
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"Second best IS second rate!!!"  -me