Cornell at Dartmouth
It's at times like this that I relish the fact that I'm not Bill Fenwick.
Suffice it to say that Bill will have to painful time to write his recaps for
the Big Red this weekend, especially if Cornell continues to slide tonight.
From that you can gather that the Big Red lost yet another game last night at
Dartmouth, by a score of 3-2.  You can name any comments an announcer ever said
about a good team losing a crucial game to a not-so-good team and you'd get the
picture of last night's contest.
Did Parris Duffus have a bad game last night?  It was hard to tell from the
radio.  However, goaltending can only get you so far and Parris has done his
share to carry Cornell to this point.  Perhaps Coach McCutcheon was right:
when the team loses, it does so as a team.  Bill, take it away....
Tom Tseng '87