I've seen Pierre ref at least two games this season, and he did a good
job in both. The rap on Pierre has always been "he knows the game and
is usually in position on the play, but he has a very short fuse,
"remembers" individual players (not exactly what you want in a ref) and
often exascerbates disputes". I haven't seen any of the negative stuff
this year. I wouldn't even award the "Pierre" (awarded annually to the
worst ECAC ref, because for a period of several years the man really
did deserve it) to Pierre for *last* year - that honor belongs to Wayne
Houmiel, who for instance in no less than *3* games last year felt
compelled to send all 10 skaters to the box, something I had seen only
once before in nine years of watching games.
The worst reffing I've personally seen *this* year is without question
that of John Gallagher. Pierre, it grinds my gears to admit, just may
have been the best. It makes sense in a way - if the man always knew
his job but his temperment prevented him from doing it well, then as he
mellows out all that's left is solid competence.
I hope this is true - the ECAC could really use credible officiating.
- Greg