Before everyone starts snipping at Cornell Fans, they should check their own be
havior.  Among the "guests" we have seen people who do not do their school prou
d either.  We have seen people flip off the entire rink, throw things on the ic
e, and many other actions which Cornell fans are being accused of.  Suffice to
say, I think every school has a few "rude" guests.  We should not let these few
 people be accused of being representative of ANY schools regular fan group.  F
or myself, I have traveled to other buildings were the majority of the fans (wh
ile giving me good natured grief) appreciate someone who follows their team.  I
 know  that the few twits who go beyond the bounds of good taste do not represe
nt that school.
     While as a road fan you may expect some comments directed your way, most o
f us will admit that nothing makes a home game louder or more intense than a sm
all vocal group of "foreign fans", especially if the bring a loud band (aka Cla
rkson).  Hopefully we can allremember that while we root for different teams, w
e all appreciate good hockey, which includes fans for the "other" guys.
     I relinquish my soapbox.
      Cornell '87 & '9?