Keith writes:
>  A lot of the players on the team were vocal about the fans' conduct after the
 >  8-1 loss here at Union. They, and the fans, did not take kindly to the
>  and ravings of the Cornell faithful that showed up at Union.
Sorry, no. I was at that game, and the Cornell fans were if anything
restrained. There was the usual counting of the goals & etc., but the
Cornell band didn't make the trip, and there was no interaction with
the home crowd (as there is in many other buildings).
Cornell blew the Dutchmen out so early that there was no drama to the
game, and that quieted everybody in the building. "Rantings and
ravings"? Any gripe that gets your team worked up enough to go out and
"get revenge" is a useful one (witness last Saturday), but when you
actually start believing it, it's time to get a life!
(Whispered politely): let's go red (shhh...)
Next stop, Dartmouth, and a chance for history. I wonder if any Div. I
team has *ever* lost consecutively to its conference's last and
second-to-last place teams.