> Clark is originally from R.I..He played at Boston U.He left BU to play in
> the last Olympics.He then signed with Minn..Last year he was signed
> by the Bruins but sent to Maine.He then decided to go for the
> gold once again.Clark is a former teammate of mine on
> the 1984 US Junior National Team.
>                     Sincerely,
>                       Brian Jopling
Brian left out a few things about himself....like the National
Championship ring from his days at RPI.  A fine goalie (drafted by
Philly?), he had the good fortune/bad fortune to play behind Daren Puppa
on the '85 team that beat Providence (and Chris Terreri (sp?)) for the title.
I get more impressed with the level of knowledge and experience of
HOCKEY-L subscribers all the time.
Jon Greene
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P.S. Contrary to some disparaging remarks that I heard at the recent
Harvard-RPI game there really are some engineers on the RPI team.  For
example, Joe Juneau majored in Aeronautical Engineering and Tony Hejna
of HOCKEY-L fame majored, I believe, in Mathematics (close enough - and
probably harder anyway).