On Wed, 19 Feb 1992 09:59:27 EST Mike Zak said:
>The NC$$ must be licking their chops and firing up there lawyers.  I heard
>Tim McCarver and the TNT annoucer specifically say that Team USA was going
>to the Final Four.  Now the NC$$ can sue CBS and TNT for lots of money.
Not unless they somehow managed to voice those capital letters.  The
phrase "final four" can't be trademarked; it's merely the capitalized
phrase "Final Four" that can't appear in print unless it refers to the
NC?? Division I Basketball Final Four.  In fact, when I'm on the air
this Saturday, I think I'll make a few loud mentions of the Olympic
ice hockey final four.  8-)
Jeffrey "BJ" Anbinder '91,'92,'93,'94...    [log in to unmask]
The Sexiest Man in Ithaca Radio             [log in to unmask]
"Consider how hard it is to change yourself and you'll understand what little
chance you have of trying to change others."
                   - Jacob M. Braude