Bill Sangrey writes:
> Subject:      Journalists
> Well at least we can all be thankful that unlike football, #1 is determined by
> the players, therefore picking on individual polls (or groups of fans) will no
>  matter come April.
Amen to that, Bill! (I know it irritates our superb list owner when
another sport gets into HOCKEY-L, but maybe Wayne will let this one
sneak by since the point is sports polls in general, something which
we have spent a lot of bandwidth on lately - :) .)
How come that there is only ONE sport at ONE level in the NC$$ which
somehow finds "the season is too long, etc., etc, , etc, . . . " to
have a national playoff???!!!  Funny how this doesn't bother anyone
in any sport except football, and THEN ONLY at DIVISION I!  (Does
it show I'm a Penn State football alum?)  I'd find it refreshing if
coaches, etc. who oppose a Div I national football playoff would at
least be honest and say "The bowls don't want it, and they are waving
 a LOT of $$$ in our face to keep things the way they are."  As it is,
we're stuck with good old biased, really-proves-nothing human polls
to determine (whether we hockey fans like it or not) the "championship"
of the most widely-publicized collegiate sport. (At least OUR national
championship never has to be preceded by the word "mythical"!)
                     *      Steve Christopher, NMU       *
                    *  "Go 'Cats!''Going for two in '92!" *
                     *        [log in to unmask]         *
> ************************************