>The Collegiate Hockey Nickname Hall of Fame may have just inducted a new
  >member: Bullsh@t Bob Croce. For short, BS Bob.
  >                                                      -- Hank Olson --
I love it!  In fact, all these talks about Bob Croce make me awfully thirsty
(not violent).  I say, all Hockey-L'ers (that includes you, Rob Scott) at
Cornell University, let's all head down to the Chapter House at 5:30pm on
January 31 for a pre-game warm-up.  We can all gather around Murray Death's
picture and trash Croce--uh, I mean, talk hockey.  All you non-Cornell Hockey-L
people:  if you're in town for the Yale-Cornell game, please come join the fun.
 I think it's great fun to meet the faces of some of the writers of hockey
As for this weekend's RPI @ Union contest (for a serious turn in this
discussion), I have to go with the Skating Dutchmen.  Ross, no offense, but
this is just too good to pass on.  I say, RPI 4 ,   Union 5 in OT, just to make
it exciting.
Tom Tseng '87
with not one, but a whole bunch of computer passwords.