A couple of items....
1.  At the Air Force Academy, the goal lights are NOT tied into the
2.  There have been suggestions that all arenas have identically
working clocks.  I don't expect that to happen until after ALL CLOCK
MANUFACTURERS get together and agree how the clocks should work, and
all current scoreboards are replaced.  Of course there really isn't
any guarantee that the clock makers will agree to have their clocks
work like the sanctioning body wants them to, or even that all
sanctioning bodies will want clocks to work the same way.  When I
think of how many different textbooks are used in introductory
calculus courses at different universities, even i am overwhelmed by
the magnitude of the problem and the impossibility of a solution.
charlie shub  [log in to unmask]  -or-  cdash@colospgs (BITNET)
  or even         (719) 593-3492