Bob Gilreath recently wrote:
>Now to find a dish for sat night's telecast!
     Now, a general question to HOCKEY-L re: the availability of the major
premium cable sports networks via satellite.  Shortly before Christmas I was
told by a friend with a satellite dish that NESN, Prime, PASS, etc. were now
scrambling their signals, and that dish owners could now receive these
channels only by payment of an "all-inclusive, multi-sport channel fee" (of
approximately $110/year) to an outfit in Colorado who was marketing the
regional sports channels to dish owners as a package deal (presumably with
the approval and/or financial support of the affected channels).  I have
satellite dish access only sporadically, so I haven't been able to personally
confirm/refute this.  Does anyone know for sure ??  If this is the case,
I'll never see a game via satellite here in Maryland, since none of my
dish-owning friends care enough about cable sports to invest that kind of $$.
					Cheers from the Chesapeake - Jim