david writes:
> This weekend, I was listening to the Wisconsin-Denver games on the
> radio (why didn't *we* get it on TV?) and the conclusion of the
> announcers was that all the talk about the "new emphasis" penalties was
> just that talk -- as last year, by the Christmas break, everything was
> back to normal" in the WCHA -- games being called a lot looser, lots
> of hooking/holding/interference being ignored, etc.
> As one of them put it, "The coaches run the league, and the coaches won
> the war."
> So, WCHA watchers -- is this what you have seen? I haven't seen enough
> games recently to make a judgement, plus of course, each game and each
> ref is different....
That is consistent with what I have seen so far this season.  The "new
emphasis" seemed to fade away after the first few weeks of the season,
to be replaced with business as usual. I'm not sure whether it is fair
to attribute the blame or credit to the coaches.
-- Erik