I just received word that the cases against Tom O'Brien and Bob McGee
have been thrown out of court!!! I don't have any more information
at this time, but will post some when it comes my way. (If you recall,
I wrote back around Thanksgiving how these players were unfairly arrested
and suspended for a game when they were attempting to restrain an
intoxicated teammate who was creating a public disturbance)
I hope the local papers print the full vindication of these student-athletes,
but I can imagine it won't be quite as large a story as when they were
arrested. Unfortunately their premature suspensions and the insults they
received as a result of the incident can't be taken back, but it's good
that justice has been done. I'd appreciate if anyone who has access to
local papers could write me a brief note about any printed details...
			Mark Daly
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