Matthew writes:
>Last night, I spoke with a friend of mine who is on the RPI hockey team,
>and he said that eventhough they all know that the poll doesn't mean
>much, it's still getting them down. They just can't figure it out..
First - please remember it isn't a poll.  There are significant differences
between a poll (opinions of many people) and TCHCR (program which attempts
to compute an unbiased ranking).  The huge one is that a poll lists teams in
order of how good people think they are.  TCHCR lists teams in order of how
well the program determines them to have performed in the games under
consideration.  TCHCR does not determine how good teams are.  It is entirely
possible for a team that is the best in the country to be ranked lower than
#1 because of a weak schedule, etc.  But people vote in the polls based on
how good they think teams are.  The goal of TCHCR has been to get rid of
biases (as much as possible) and rank teams based on how they have actually
The best thing that can come out of all this is education.  The RPI players
shouldn't take it seriously.  But if they don't know how TCHCR works, it's
like this unknown thing out there telling them they're the 34th best team in
the country (now 32).  All they see is a number.  Maybe their feelings would
be different if they knew more about how the rankings are determined.  In
the interests of countering Bob Croce's article with education on this matter,
Matthew, if you'd like to send me the address of your friend, I'll send him by
US mail some documentation I have on the system that he and the other players
can look at.
After seeing it, they may consider the ranking more valid - or they may
find flaws in it no one has thought of before (which would be great).  Either
way, I think it helps to learn more about it.  We've had the opportunity
here on hockey-l to discuss trends weekly and ask questions, but people who
don't read h-l don't get to do this.
I'd also be willing to put together a composite of questions and answers
from the past if Matthew or maybe Tony Hejna would like to receive it and
forward it to anyone.  It may provide some insight into this particular case.
You guys can let me know.
I sent this to everyone because this is how I think we should respond to
yesterday's inflammatory Times Union article.
- mike