Nov. 23  CORNELL 1    Northeastern 3
Dec.  7  CORNELL 3    Providence   5
Dec.  8  CORNELL 1    UNH          8
Jan.  4  Cornell 5    DARTMOUTH    3
Jan.  5  Cornell 0    HARVARD      1
Jan.  8  CORNELL 2    Princeton    4
Jan. 10 and 11 @ Marian Hilliard Invitational at U. Toronto
         Cornell 0    U. of Toronto 2
         Cornell 2    U. Guelph    2
         (Also I believe that Providence beat
         both U. of T. and U. Guelph, but I don't have
         the scores for those games.)
Jan. 19  Cornell 6    RIT          2
        (Kim Ratushny had 4 goals and 2 assists for Cornell)
Jan. 25  Cornell 2    NORTHEASTERN 6
Jan. 26  Cornell 2    PROVIDENCE   5
The remainder of their schedule is:
Feb.  1  @ Princeton 1:30
Feb.  5  St. Lawrence 7:30
Feb.  7  Brown 7:00
Feb.  8  Yale 2:00
Feb. 15  Dartmouth 1:00
Feb. 16  Harvard 1:00
Feb. 22  @ Brown 2:00
Feb. 23  @ Yale 2:00
Joy Veronneau  (UVM '79)
Cornell Information Technologies