On Thu, 30 Jan 1992 23:31:10 EST Beth Weise said:
>Here's my question (and story):
>Why is it that more pucks end up in the stands during warmups than
>during the game?
During warmup, which lasts 15 minutes, you have 18 players and 3
goalies from each team on the ice. Each of them has at least one
puck. So there are about 40 pucks flying around for 15 minutes,
or about 600 puck-minutes.
During a game, which lasts 60 minutes, you have one puck.
So it's about 10 times more likely that a puck will fly into
the stands during warmup.
At Lynah Rink, the scorers table is directly behind the penalty
boxes. There is no glass in that area. Sometimes players try
to bounce the puck off the boards in that area. Sometimes they
miss. They haven't gotten me yet, though.