I just thought that I would put my two cents in to this discussion...
When I was at RPI, the RPI Pep Band had a section behind the visiting net.
the section was on bleachers so that a majority of the band was above the
glass.  I do not make any accusations, but some of our opponents seemed to
take great pride in "sending the band a message" during warm ups.  A number of
people in the brass and percussion sections received such messages in person.
It got so bad that the band started wearing construction hard hats to games.
I have no idea of the total number of pucks that were acquired by the band,
but I have 7 from 3 years in the field house (I played percussion).
Basically the moral of the story is:  If you are above the glass, keep your
eyes on the pucks!!!!
Eric Maiwald                             maiwald at dockmaster.ncsc.mil
RPI '87                               Go, Go, Go, You, Red, Red, Red!!!