Bill Fenwick writes:
>though it happened during warm-ups, the officials are usually out there for
>at least part of the warm-up period, so they should be able to make any
>calls that are deemed necessary.  (I don't know if they were out there or
>not when the incident occurred)
Tony writes:
>  I'm not supporting shooting pucks into the stands, but was the
>player in question possibly harassed by some of the fans ?? i.e.
>Spit on, had something thrown at him...etc. You know what they say,
>"It takes two to tango!!"
First of all, I don't remember the whereabouts of the officials (I was too
stunned and was checking that no one was injured by the incident).  The
officials did not see the play at all, and I don't believe they warrant
any of the blame for the situation.  It would have been interesting to
see their reaction, though.
As for harrassing Smith before the incident, you couldn't be more off
the mark.  My season tickets are in Row 1, right smack in front off the
"visiting end", just inside the blue line.  I do occasionally talk with
opposing players during warm-ups, but not in the manner you're suggesting.
In fact, my favorite conversations were with OSU defenseman Eric Reisman
who has since graduated.  Reisman would take time to give me an up-to-date
scouting report on the Buckeyes while he was awaiting his shift during the
pre-game drills.  On the evening in question, not a word was spoken between
the fans and the OSU players.
As for the play itself, I saw the whole thing.  I get to the games about
45-60 minutes early so I can socialize and watch the warm-ups (and park
near the Arena).  With OSU in town, I had my eyes on Smith the entire
time (I have 1-2 players that I watch religiously from the opposing teams
and Smith is the man from OSU).  During the drills he was lined up in the
center off the ice between the red and blue lines.  He had a puck with
him, turned toward my section, and rifled a wrist shot above the heads off
his teammates lined up on right wing.  The puck flew into the crowd and
Smith casually turned and faced the other direction.
John Haeussler
Univ of Michigan('89,'90)