Some quick hockey scores from Tuesday:
Division I:
     YALE 5, New Hampshire 4
Division III:
     Amherst 7, Iona 1
     Connecticut College 4, Quinnipiac 3 (OT)
     Geneseo State 3, Fredonia State 0
     Plattsburgh State 6, Potsdam State 5
     UMass-Dartmouth 4, Worcester State 3
By the way -- not that Mankato and Bemidji weren't going to move up to Div-
ision I anyway, but I understand that one of the driving factors is an NCAA
rule that's supposed to go into effect next year.  The rule forbids a school
from fielding a varsity team in a division lower than its own.  In the case
of Mankato and Bemidji, their teams are in Division III, but I believe that
both schools are officially Division II.  Since there is no Division II in
hockey, the schools would have to field Division I teams to avoid violating
the rule.
Personally, new rule or not, I'd like to see the re-establishment of Division
II hockey.  It'll probably never happen, but right now, the gap between the
haves and have-nots in Division III seems far wider than the one in Division
I.  Putting the good Division III teams into Division II (which is where some
of them were originally anyway) would probably help.
Bill Fenwick                        |  Send your HOCKEY-L poll responses to:
Cornell '86 and probably '94        |  [log in to unmask]
"But I'm glad I'm married now, because dating has gotten really expensive.
 Like I finally had to ask this girl, 'Listen, how come every time we go out, I
 end up spending hundreds of dollars?'  She said, 'Because I'm a prostitute.'"
-- Drake Sather