Barry writes:
> Does anyone out there know exactly when HockeyFest '92 tickets go on sale.
>I've gone the last two years and have always gotten them far after tickets
>have gone on sale.  I'd like to get them earlier this year (though I harbor
>no illusions of UMass-Lowell being present at the Gahden that weekend.)
>Thanks in advance.
Contact the Garden box office for information, they should go on sale
around the Beanpot (which is next Monday).  I don't have exact information
yet.  You're better off going to the Garden to get your seats if you can,
since you'll save the over-the-phone charges and can pick your seats.
I sent mail this weekend on the ticket information for the NC$$ East Regional
at Providence, along with a HE update and other stuff.  But Merrimack has
had mail trouble for the past few days, and that stuff hasn't gone out yet.
It looks like mail there is starting to roll in, so you should see all my
weekend postings soon.
- mike