> I'm beginning to believe that the article doesn't exist, also.
Of course the article doesn't exist.  I mean, Pierre is still officiating
hockey games for the NCAA.  Assuming that a referee DID say something like
what you Cornellians claim he did, that referee's officiating days (at least
in the NCAA) would come to a quick end.
And I truly don't believe that any referee working for the NCAA, no matter
how bad a temper he may have, would ever pass remarks such as those mentioned
here.  It seems to me like a nice myth that the "Lynah Faithful" have
perpetuated to maintain their hatred for Pierre.  And given the amount of
harassing that it seems you do to him when he's there, I wouldn't be surprised
if he's just a bit biased against Cornell (subconsciously, of course).
Kenny Zalewski -- Information Technology Services at Rensselaer
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 83 Albright Court, Troy, NY, 12180
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