My opinion is that, I don't know enough about the history of College
Hockey to make real decision.  What I do know is this.
Bob Johnson was a great man who passed away recently.  I think it
would be an excellent tribute to him to name the Div I Men's Hockey
Championship after him.  But there might be someone else more
deserving.  Emotions are high right now for Bob Johnson.  Along the
same lines as with Magic Johnson, when his announcement came.  You
can't let emotions play a part in something like this.  Because if
you do, you'll be changing the name of the trophy every year.
What if, God forbid, Len Ceglarski passed away next year.  Would we
then change the name of the trophy to the "Len Ceglarski Memorial
Trophy"?  You get my point.
There would be no greater tribute to Bob Johnson than to name the
trophy after him, but there may also be someone else just as deserving.
I don't know.