>Perhaps some Cornell people out there can enlighten me.  I seem to remember
>that there is a player for the team that can't join until the winter semester
>starts.  Is this true? What are his credentials? Will he be able to contribute
>this year?
>>His name is Jiri Kloboucek, and he's from Czechoslovakia...
I can't think of any Europeans on Cornell in my tenure among the
Faithful (since 1981). Have there been any in team history? I know that
the Finnish Kekalainens (Jarmo and Janne) have played at Clarkson, and
there was Peter Ahola (also Finnish, unless I'm hallucinating again) at
BU; what other non-North American standouts have there been in American
college hockey in recent years?
Bill, Arthur - any idea where in Czechoslovakia he's from? My
great-grandparents were from Bratislava.
On a slightly different topic, much of the "crudity in the crowd"
comments have alluded to the effect of ill-mannered crowd behavior on
young cchildren. Sorry to be VERY POLITICALLY INCORRECT, but I always
laugh disrepectfully when I hear the magic battle cry "we must protect
the children!", because in real terms the argument is: "we must do
something to appease the paranoid parents (and boosters) who come here
and scream at us that the reason their children (insert horrible vice
here) is because we exposed them to (insert whatever you wish to censor
here)!". Ah, I guess I just lack the proper moral perspective, but I
think that parents who fret about their kids overhearing swear words at
a hockey game will undoubtedly screw their children up beyond belief no
matter how much we stifle everyone else's conduct, so we should just
recognize that they are as pathetic as the jerks they wish to censor. Ahem.
A bit tenuous to defend under the banner of free expression the
annoying, mindless blathering of a bunch of drunken frat boys who can't
tell the difference between clever inventiveness and boring
tastelessness? "The price of freedom is eternal vigilence".
Patriotically yours on or about this 200th anniversary of the Bill of Rights,
So Far Left I've Left America...
Let's Go Red!