Friday night, Michigan 5, Western 5
Saturday night, Michigan 7, Western 2
I'll leave the box scores to come along with the CCHA press release.
A couple of notes:  In Friday's game at Kalamazoo, Western came back from
down three goals to tie.  As experienced as Michigan is supposed to be, they
still blow leads.  It's depressing.
Also, I reported last week that Ron Sacka was going to move from center to
defense to take Aaron Ward's place.  I didn't see or listen to Friday's game,
so I'm not sure what happened then, but on Saturday night, freshman Al
(Al Sinclair) played in Ward's spot.  Either Red changed his mind about
Sacka, or the Ann Arbor News hockey beat reporter had it wrong from the
start.  Just to keep things confused, though, Berenson reshuffled three of
his four lines (he left Oliver-Wiseman-Felsner intact).
P Grochowski
Univ o' Michigan