>If he doesn't already, Belanger needs to bring security with him to Lynah to
>escape alive most of the time.  Do any other rinks even notice him, or is it
>just Cornell?"
>Dave [log in to unmask]
>Cornell '91 OSU Med '95
>Let's Go Red!
I am led to understand, Dave, that Pierre is feared almost universally as a
vindictive referee, but that doesn't quite explain why he is hated so much
at Lynah.
Apparently, in a Sports Illustrated article some years back, Pierre Belanger
was directly quoted as saying that he hates Cornell and everything about
the Big Red, Lynah, and its fans.  This did very little to endear him to
us Lynah Faithful.
On a related topic, Pierre is the only ref in recent memory who actually
called a delay of game penalty on Cornell for the pep band's playing of
3 Blind Mice.  If memory serves, he didn't give a warning, either.
Jeffrey "BJ" Anbinder                       [log in to unmask]
The Sexiest Man in Ithaca Radio             [log in to unmask]
"I don't know about you, but I'm pretty sure at this point that William
Kennedy Smith is never going to be a Supreme Court Justice."
                        - David Letterman