>Sophomore defenseman Aaron Ward will miss this series because he will be
>trying out for the Canadian Junior National team.  Red Berenson plans to
>move center Ron Sacka into Ward's spot on defense.
>This is one of Red's idiosyncracies, and it really bugs me.  ...
If it's one thing I've learned watching Shawn Walsh these past several
years is that it is better to play your talented hard-working players as
much as possible.
In a similarly strange (at first) move Coach Walsh moved Scott Pellerin
from forward to defense last year.  Now I'm sure that Scott didn't *ask*
for the assignment, and Scott was *not* a great defenseman during those
several shifts, *but*
Scott Pellerin learned what happens when the defense is left hung out to
dry with forwards that only think of scoring.  Scott spoke last year (to
the media) about the experience and how it changed his attitude.
Scotts attitude, by the way, is great.  He is, so far, the team MVP
playing the best two-way hockey of his career.  Not only are he and his
linemates putting the puck in the net, but Scott has been on the ice for
only one goal against so far all year.