Sophomore defenseman Aaron Ward will miss this series because he will be
trying out for the Canadian Junior National team.  Red Berenson plans to
move center Ron Sacka into Ward's spot on defense.
This is one of Red's idiosyncracies, and it really bugs me.  He's got two
more REAL defensemen who could have filled that spot.  Last year, when three
Michigan defensemen had to serve suspensions on the same night, rather than
dressing his walk-on defenseman, Red moved Don Stone (center on the 2nd line)
back to defense.  Stone did a decent job, but he was not a defenseman, and it
showed.  So, not only is the coach putting someone who's unaccustomed to
defense on defense, but he's also breaking up one of the forward lines.  I
just don't get it.  I mean, why bother recruiting guys if you're not going to
let them play?
I'll let you know on Sunday how it worked out.
P. Grochowski
Univ o' Michigan