Sid writes:
>The 1984 Big Red Freakout featured the notorious horns, but to my knowledge,
>the noise rule put an effective end to that, as well as the old cowbells and
>the twirl-grinders that surfaced against BC in 1980. The Brown coach who
>was responsible for all this was Herb Brooks, and it stemmed from one Freakout
>several years ago..possibly '81 or '82.
If Herb Brooks ever coached at Brown, it's news to me.  He was coach of the
Minnesota Golden Gophers through 1979, the US Olympic Team in 1980, and the
New York Rangers for a couple of years after that.  He later went on to coach
the Minnesota North Stars, and the St. Cloud Huskiesin their first season of
Division I hockey.  He is now coaching a minor league team in the New Jersey
Devils system.
Are you referring to another Herb Brooks?
-- Erik