Tom asks:
>  USA vs Canada
> I taped the hockey game on CBS on Saturday afternoon.  Last night I finally
> finished watching it.  To my surprise, the game lasted longer than the posted
> time in TV guide.  I was left hanging with 3 minutes left in the game and a
> score of Canada 4 USA 3.  Can anyone be kind enough to tell me the final
The score was 5-3 Canada on an empty net goal at the end
>  In fact, at times the game
> almost sounded like a Cornell Harvard game with Manderville and Ratushny on
> team and CJ Young and the Drurys on the other side.
I believe there is only one Drury, the three Hahrvahrd people being Drury,Young
and Donato.
Dave [log in to unmask]
Cornell '91 OSU Med '95
Let's Go Red!
Everybody, sing with me now! (To the tune of Supercajafragilisticexpialodotious
[sp?]) "Basophilic, azurphilic, lysosomal granules.." Histology is Fun.