Mike writes:
>Mary Ashline writes:
>>Look to see [Plattsburgh] in the NCAA's in March, when they will
>>hopefully reclaim their highest honor.
>I read something the other day that said Plattsburgh was finishing up its
>two-year probation this season and thus would not be eligible for the NCAAs
>in March.  Plattsburgh and UMass-Lowell are the only two hockey teams
>on probation.
Plattsburgh is indeed on probation until April 1992, but this just means
that the NCAA is keeping an eye on them.  They were barred from postseason
play last year (as well as having to forfeit their championship records),
but they are eligible for the 1991-92 NCAAs.  (This from the _Chronicle of
Higher Education_)
Bill Fenwick                        |  Send your HOCKEY-L poll responses to:
Cornell '86 and probably '94        |  [log in to unmask]
"No Class At All!"
-- "Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids"