Date sent:  9-DEC-1991 14:22:47
Hello to all DIV III fans!
As many of you know, Plattsburgh has been a power in DIV III
for many years now.  After having their NCAA championship
"taken away?", they are back on the road to the playoffs.
Currently undefeated, PSUC will finish up their semester with
Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) on Friday, December 13.
Look to see them in the NCAA's in March, when they will
hopefully reclaim their highest honor.
M.A. Class of '92
NOTE: 14 line signature follows.
|                           ||                                              |
|  Mary M. Ashline          ||   U.S. Mail:  Sibley Hall                    |
|  Graduate Student         ||               SUNY                           |
|  Department of Hearing &  ||               Plattsburgh, NY  12901         |
|        Speech Science     ||               Phone: (518) 564-2170          |
|  State Univ. of New York  ||                                              |
|        at Plattsburgh     ||   BITNET:     ASHL5645@SNYPLAVA              |
|                           || INTERNET: [log in to unmask] |