Can we stop, or at least slow down, this ludicrous Clarkson/anti-Clarkson
drivel. And maybe some of the my-school-is-more-academic-than-yours/
no-it-isn't (or ECAC vs. the world) discussions.
Hey, I'm a Clarkson alumni and I root for them. But I find the drivel
that sometimes escapes from the mouths of the Clarkson students almost
enough to want to disown them and deny any connection with them.
And as for others, particular Mike Machnik, I used to like your posts.
But they seem to be just a way to make sure that you stay ahead of
Brian Farenell in the battle to be the #1 poster to Hockey-L.
I like Hockey-L. It has a lot of good facts that I can't get elsewhere.
There is a lot of interesting analysis. Even some of the bantering is
interesting. I hesitate to drop to Hockey-D since it sound like I might
loose some of this (and I dislike digests anyway).
Know when to say enough is enough. The beginning argument was interesting,
but its turned into a holy war/cold war. If you still feel strongly about
this, take it off-line and spare the rest of us the agrument (which we
have now heard repeated a dozen times on each side with very little new
added). And instead of making a dozen two line posts, why not condense
your arguemnts. It will make the case much stronger and is more considerate
to other people.
As for Clarkson, they have had good teams for a while. They had teams that
were contending for the ECAC crown (before the Great Split with HE) and
were sometimes nationally ranked in the top-5. So being a good team isn't
new. And they played Concordia when I was there (late 70's), so this rivalry
has been going on for a while. In fact, I remember Concordia beating Clarkson.
They had an amazing goal tender, and the Clarkson fans gave him a few
standing ovations for the amazing stops he made. At least back then the
Clarkson students could recognize and appreciate opposing teams talent.
Derek Snyder
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General Electric Corporate R&D
Clarkson '80 (not quite willing to denounce this yet, but getting there)