Mike Zak posted earlier that Concordia has played Clarkson every other year
for about nine years or so.  I'm not sure myself if that's true.  Two years
ago, Clarkson played McGill University (Montreal) on Parent's Weekend (first
home game).  The Knights won easily, 11-1.  Last year, on the same weekend,
Clarkson skated circles around the Ottawa team, 10-2.  This year it was
Concordia, 8-1.  At first I thought these games were just "laughers" to show
up for the parents, but then this year the game was a few weeks into the
season.  Now, after reading Mike's posting, maybe it's just typical for
Clarkson to play one of the Canadian schools becuase THEY want to play us, and
not vice versa.  It could work both ways, you know.
  Any comments on this would be greatly appreciated.
  Rick Newhall
  Clarkson '93
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