News article <[log in to unmask]> said...
=>  Well, the subject about says it.  We're doing our entire tree this
=>  year in "dog".  I'd like to get nice representations of about as many of
=>  the AKC recognized breeds that I can afford; I don't think I could
=>  shell out $5-$10 for 132 breeds!  I prefer wood or ceramic.  I've seen
=>  a couple of catalogs that featured the standard Christmas balls with
=>  the dogs painted on the side as well as the brass ones - not really
=>  interested in those.  If possible, I'd like to stay all with the same
=>  "style".  If anyone has any recommendations/suggestions, I'd really like
=>  to hear from you.
=>  Thanks to all in advance,
=>  --
=>  Lance G. Hartmann - [log in to unmask]          "Not the Momma!"
I hope he isn't looking for ceramic dalmations
charlie shub  [log in to unmask]  -or-  cdash@colospgs (BITNET)
  or even         (719) 593-3492