Keith Instone gives some enlightening info on the state of OSU hosckey.
He writes:
> The Buckeye adminstration does not think hockey is a major sport!
I am only reproducing a part of the coaches salary list Keith got from the
Coulumbus Dispatch.
>     1. Football
>     2. Men's basketball
>     3. Women's basketball
>       (no surprises yet)
>     4. Golf
>       (OK, hockey must be coming soon, right?)
>    10. Women's track
>    14. HOCKEY
>    14. Women's gymnastics
>    16. Synchronized swimming
>       (Jerry Welsh make $600 more per year than the Synchro-swim coach)
    Obviuosly, there is something seriously wrong here at OSU.  I still don't
believe however, that I see very good coaching on the ice when I go to the OSU
games.  I know coach Welsh has a tough job here with poor fascilities and a
lack of fan and administrative support, but isn't the coach one of the major
people responsible for changing those kinds of conditions around?  Surely in 17
years, something could have been done, especially in the early 80's when OSU
was putting together that string of 28-30 win seasons.
R. David Smith (Dave) [log in to unmask]
Cornell '91 OSU Med '95
Let's Go Red!
In the afterlife, the Faithful will be rewarded.  (The Lynah Faithful that is.)