mark (snake in the) grassl writes:
>  Badger news: Latvian transfer Ulvis Katlaps reportedly had his NCAA
>  eligibility denied for this season.  Katlaps never took the SAT test
>  as required by the NCAA.  The NCAA refused his request for a waiver due
>  to the extenuating circumstances regarding the situation last year in
>  the Soviet Union.  Katlaps will be eligible for the 1992-93 season
>  only.
I was hoping to see Katlaps play in the WCHA this season.  I suppose we'll
have to content ourselves with occasional reports of Ulvis sightings in
Madison and elsewhere.  Yet another reason to look at the tabloids while
waiting in line at the supermarket.  Ulvis Lives!
-- Erik (I should be making fun of other people's names?) Biever