From the local Newspaper:  In a weekend series with the
Bemidji State Beavers, the Pointers managed to dodge one bullit
after another en route to posting a 4-2 victory on Sunday after a
3-3 tie on Saturday.  The Pointers need look no further than their
penalty killing for the reason that a tie is the only blemish on
their record through 7 games this year.
      Opponents have managed to score just 4 goals in 57 chances
against the Pointers this year, a paltry 7%.  The Beavers were just
one for 18 on the power play.  Todd Chin, in goal both nights, made
31 saves Saturday and 32 on Sunday.  In the meantime, on Staruday,
Kriebach had 23 saves and Perry 11 for Bemidji State, while Perry
had 40 saves on Sunday.
Tom Rowe                              Internet: [log in to unmask]
As scarce as truth is, the supply has always been in excess of the demand
          Josh Billings