Mike Zak misses the point about the Ivy League.  He is absolutely right
that there are intelligent hockey players at other schools.  But there are
a hell of a lot of hockey players out there who wouldn't stand a chanc at
the Ivies academically.  By the way, they probably couldn't handle
engineering at Clarkson or RPI either.  The point is that the Ivies (and
some other schools have minimum standards which players have to meet which
are higher than the standards at some other schools.  This puts them at a
competitive disadvantage (look at football, basketball, etc.)  The Ivies
have managed to maintain their competitiveness in hockey through their
strong tradition of support for this sport.  Again, this goes for some
other schools as well.
                                        Graham M. Pugh
                                        Cornell '84
                                        LET'S GO RED!!!!