Thanks Keith and voters!  I'm impressed with the results.
The eastern/western breakdown is amazingly close.  It seems to me that
the small differences can be explained by
 1 - voters tend toward familiar teams (maine/nh east, mich/lssu west)
 2 - east/west cross-over voting contains more of last year's reputation
     than east-voting-east or west-voting-west (BU higher from westies).
Lest I go way overboard, at first glance there appears to be some
"clumping" of scores in the regional rankings that doesn't appear to be
present in the composite.  Maybe this just shows that folks were all
over the place and just the averages look good?
Since we have different numbers of voters from east and west, maybe an
upcoming TCHDLP* result will include average ranking?
Wayne (no time for analysis of variance today) Smith
* The College Hockey Discussion List Poll?!