>Week 5 November 17, 1991
>1. Michigan (15)     235 points
>2. Maine (9)         227
>3. Clarkson (1)      177
>4. Lake Superior     157
>5. Boston University 135
Again, I don't understand this.  Maine outplays BU in two games, at BU,
outshooting them by a 2-1 margin in both, loses the first on a SHG when
Ingraham falls over creating a 2-on-0 and then blows them out the next night,
meanwhile Michigan sweeps Miami but Michigan moves into #1?  Not to mention
that by these voters' own opinions, BU is among the top 5 teams in the
country and Maine gained a split playing AT them.
Keith, add this to that evidence we were talking about.
- mike