Late in the Dartmouth-Clarkson game, a Big Green player hit Clarkson's Dave
 Green who crumpled to the ice. The ref didn't put up his arm to indicate
a penalty but when he went to examine Green, he determined that the Dartmouth
 player had commited an infraction worthy of a game-disqualification (and the
one-game suspension that comes with it). Even though it was in Clarkson's
 favor,I was kind of disturbed about the call, or rather, the manner by which it
handled. The ref wasn't going to call anything originally, but when he saw the
injured Knight, he (seemed to) automatically assume the hit was illegal,
 although he didn't seem to orginally see it. As Gary Suter's hit on Wayne
 Gretzky in the Canada Cup proved, a hit that causes an injury isn't necesarily
 dirty or
illegal, Gretz was just in a bad position. I don't like the fact that the ref
seemed to go by the result as opposed to the cause when he called the penalty.
BTW- The officiating the rest of the game was fine.
Clarkson '95