Mike writes:
>While I do agree with Charlie and Bill that officials shouldnt be
>undermined, I also think that if the rules are applied improperly by an
>official, then the league should step in and correct the call. I am not
>talking about a judgement call, rather if an obvious mistake an official
>IN APPLYING THE RULES [emphasis mine].
I think he couldn't be more right. For example, in baseball, a manager
can file a protest if he feels the umpire is misinterpreting or
misapplying the rule. Not an ordinary ball-strike or safe-out call but
an application of the rules. Someone else made the suggestion (I apologize
for not knowing the name but I accidentally deleted the message) that the
ref be allowed the  reconsider his decision if he feels that would be
 approprite, especially if he admits Greyerbiehl got onto the ice AFTER the
were handed out.
Clarkson '95