Maine is the unanimous #1, according to the HOCKEY-L pollsters.
   TEAM (1sts)       PTS  HIGH-LOW
1. Maine (10)         10   1st-1st
2. Providence         33   2nd-4th
3. Boston College     37   2nd-7th
4. Boston University  38   2nd-6th
5. New Hampshire      47   3rd-7th
6. Merrimack          58   4th-8th
7. Northeastern       65   5th-8th
8. UMass-Lowell       72   6th-8th
One point was given for a first-place vote, two for second, etc. down to
eight for 8th.
In the high-low column, I left out the results from one respondee who picked
Maine first and a 7-way tie for 2nd. :-)  Points for predicted ties were
determined by summing all possible points (in this case, 2+3+4+5+6+7+8),
dividing by the number of teams involved (here, 7) and assigning the answer
to each team involved.
At least you know the 7th place vote for BC came from me. :-)  I was surprised
that 7 of 10 people put BC 3rd or 2nd.
- mike