I'll throw my $0.02 in on WCHA penalties...
I attended last weekend's UW-SCSU games.  I thought there was an increase
in special emphasis calls (I didn't actually look at last years data)---
The increase seemed small and did not greatly affect the game.
Perhaps the worse case was the start of period 3 game 2...there were
several consectutive penalties against SCSU (I'm not sure all were special
emphasis) which I think kept them from equalizing a 1 point game.  But since
I'm a badger fan I hardly noticed...
Tom Kirkman                       DECnet:                       55862::TKIRKMAN
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(612) 363-3811                    BITnet:                       tkirkman@csbsju
(612) 363-3151                                               FAX:(612) 363-3202
___              ___
\  \    ____    /  /  ooster: Go Scots
 \  \  /    \  /  /
  \  \/  /\  \/  /   CHA
   \    /  \    /
    \__/    \__/   isconsin: Go Badgers