In an article from the Detroit Free Press (Oct 17) entitled "MSU's
Mason prepared for dog days in CCHA", reporter Steve Crowe talks about
the CCHA media day from that Wednesday. I quote for you the last 2
paragraphs of his story:
   The highlight of Wednesday's luncheon came from the stand-up comedy
   of Notre Dame hockey coach Ric Schafer. After receiving formal
   acceptance early next year, the Irish will join Kent State as new
   CCHA members next season.
   In 1987, Schafer said, "I inherited a program that spent twice as
   much money on laundry as it did on recruiting.... Now my kids all
   have bright professional futures ahead of them--but not in hockey."
Ric's next appearance will be Friday night at the Cadet Comedy Club.
Don't miss it! (^;