I'm sure some of you have seen this list already.  I got it from this
morning's "Arizona Republic."  I recall seeing a similar one last year.
Thought many of you would be interested...
   The 114 most popular sports in America, according to a survey released
   Monday by Sports Marketing Group of Dallas.  Results are based on 2,060
   in-home interviews.
   1.  NFL football
   2.  NCAA football
   3.  Winter Olympics
   4.  Summer Olympics
   5.  Major league baseball
   6.  High School football
   7.  NBA basketball
   8.  Ladies figure skating
   9.  Pairs figure skating
   10. Pairs ice dancing
What???  Where is hockey you all are asking???  We'll have to skip a bit
to find it...
   40. NHL hockey
   50. Olympic hockey
   64. AHL hockey
   72. NCAA hockey
And just what other sports beat out our favorite sport???  Here is a
  27. Billiards
  30. Pro wrestling
  31. Tractor pulling
  37. Air shows
  41. Snowmobile racing
  58. Roller derby
  62. Arena football  <-- give me a break!
  66. Australian rules football
All though you will be pleased to know that college hockey beat out...
  91. Frisbee
  102. American Gladiators
  106. Jai Alai
It is my guess that this poll was conducted exclusively around the Dallas
area.  Not exactly the hockey-hotbed capital of the world. :-)
Anyway, thought you all might get a good laugh from it.
Gary Thomas
Ariz State Univ
Univ of Minn '89 - GO GOPHERS!!! - GO TWINS!!!