>Aha!  So, the truth comes out.  McDonald didn't try out for the US team
>because he wanted to represent his country or because he was interested in
>playing Olympic hockey again -- he did it because he wanted to meet women!
>:-) :-)  (high school women, yet)
I explained the truth to her today, about Lane's headaches, etc.  So she
asked why he didn't play against the Sharks.  I told her that because
the Sharks resort to a lot of goon hockey, and they doon't want him to
die until after the games.  In any case, she's getting a Lane McDonald
jersey (team USA one) and is becoming a Team USA groupie. !
[log in to unmask] (Eric Rickin)
Bye-bye Civil Liberties.  Hello Clarence Thomas.
George Bush: Just say "no!"