On Fri, 18 Oct 1991 14:55:00 CDT Joe McDonald said:
>Hello all:
>I'm trying to confirm the site of this weekend's games (Wisconsin & Mich. Tech)
>Where is it Madison or Houghton?  Thanks.
>Go Atlanta!!  Sorry Carol.  ;)
         This weekend series is up here in Houghton.  game time 7:35 tonight
|   Bob Gilreath                            [log in to unmask]       |
|   Telecommunications Engineer             [log in to unmask]                |
|   Computing Technology Services           Phone: work 906-487-2110    |
|   Michigan Technological University              Home 906-296-0989    |
|   Houghton, Michigan  49931               Fax:        906-487-2787    |